Career skills for the twenty-first century professional ~ from entry to exit

The increasingly competitive, rapidly changing, globalized business landscape has created much uncertainty and ambiguity for institutions and a great deal of emotional upheaval for those who run them. The constant state of do more, faster, and better, leaves little opportunity to ask important questions, such as:
Have I actively worked at creating a culture whereby people are willing to take risks, share wild, whacky ideas, and ask questions out of left field?
Are my employees intimidated to speak their minds, fear they will be dismissed or worse, worry they will be ridiculed?
Is our culture one of shame and blame or do we see failure as opportunity for growth and development?
Have I, as a leader, been clear about my expectations, explicit in how to improve performance, and generous in my assumptions that my people are doing their best?
Discoveries from the behavioural science community has revealed these are hard, but teachable skills that will change the way you lead.
Learn how to set the stage for innovation by creating psychologically safe workplaces
Discover the relationship between bonds of belonging and cooperative cultures
Explore the architecture of trust and its relationship to financial performance